A tremendous thank you to the Yakima LSA for their dedication and support of the youth
Five youth recently completed Ruhi Book one, four are looking forward to becoming junior youth animators and one desires to become a children’s class teacher.
It is such a bounty to be with these radiant and amazing youth as they study and learn about the vital role they will play as animators while forming warm bonds of friendship with each other.
The first day of Book 5 intensive was held in the mountains and we wanted to share with you a few of those captured moments.

Youth taking Book 5 learning about animating (mentoring) junior youth.
Two youth, Claire, and Kiana are not in the photo, but hopefully, we will be able to share more as the journey continues.
In addition, the Yakima LSA has sponsored a total of four youth this summer who are attending Baha’i summer school through scholarships at two different schools including Sheltering branch which received a full scholarship for a youth, and Carmel Baha’i School where 3 youth from Yakima (from this group pictured above) will be attending later this August. Wonderful to see the LSA investing in its future generation.
Whatever the nature of the cluster, it is imperative to pay close attention to children and junior youth everywhere. Concern for the moral and spiritual education of young people is asserting itself forcefully on the consciousness of humanity, and no attempt at community building can afford to ignore it.(Universal House of Justice, 27 December 2005 to the Continental Boards of Counsellors)